
Terms and Conditions


Bulk Formations Ltd Terms of Service from 1st day of April 2021


Please read the following Terms and Conditions very carefully as they affect your use or the Website and your rights.


  1. Your use of the Website


Your use of the Website is subject to these Terms and Conditions This Website is administered by Bulk Formations Ltd registered at 8 Brooks Yard Huddersfield United Kingdom HD1 2EP under company number 1321166.


  1. Services


Description and pricing of services offered by Bulk Formations Ltd (Service(s)) are displayed on bulkformations.com website or in a service offer made to the Client.


These Terms and Conditions (T’s & C’s) apply to all Services and constitute a legal contract (Contract) between Bulk Formations Ltd and the user of Bulk Formations Ltd Services (Client). Valid T’s &C’s are presented on the bulkformations.com website.


By purchasing Services from Bulk Formations Ltd you agree to be bound by this Contract.


To order, use and manage the Services, the Client must have an account with Bulk Formations Ltd (the User Account).


The User Account will be automatically created for each Client after purchasing Services from Bulk Formations Ltd.


The User Account is accessible using the e-mail address (the Primary Email) provided to Bulk Formations Ltd upon purchasing the Services or signing-up and a password (the Log-in Details).


The Client shall keep the User Account Log-in Details confidential and not disclose those to any third party. The Client shall inform Bulk Formations Ltd immediately about the suspicion that the Log-in Details may have fallen into possession of a third party and replace the password. Bulk Formations Ltd may block the User Account where the suspicion arises that the User Account is accessed by unauthorized user.


The Client has right to manage the User Account during the validity of the Contract, i.e., to create, change and request to delete the User Account. Deleting the User Account will delete the content. Bulk Formations Ltd does not guarantee further access to the content of deleted User Account.


Bulk Formations Ltd has the right to block the access to the User Account without advance notice and without any liability to the Client in case the Client is in the breach of the Contract with Bulk Formations Ltd. Activation of the User Account is subject to due performance of the Contract and payment of the activation fee by the Client.


The User Account will be inactivated by Bulk Formations Ltd upon termination of the Contract in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.


Bulk Formations Ltd will keep the content of the User Account 60 days from inactivating the User Account.


  1. Service fees and payment terms


Bulk Formations Ltd Service fees are displayed on the website, or in the Service offer made by Bulk Formations Ltd to the Client.


Services are provided on prepayment basis, unless otherwise agreed between Bulk Formations Ltd and the Client.


Where VAT is payable in respect of the Services, the Client must pay VAT at the applicable rate.


Service fees do not include third party costs related to Services (such as state fees, notary fees, translation fees, courier fees, etc.), unless otherwise agreed between Bulk Formations Ltd and the Client.


Bulk Formations Ltd reserves the right to amend Service fees unilaterally. The Client is notified of the amendments of Service fees via Primary Email at least one (1) calendar month in advance. The Client may refuse to accept new Service fees and cancel the Contract by giving cancellation notice to Bulk Formations Ltd by email during this one (1) calendar month advance notice period. If the Client has not submitted cancellation notice in time, the Client is deemed to have accepted new Service fees. New Service fees will apply from the new Service period.


Services can be paid for by credit/debit card, bank link, bank transfer.


Certain Services may be purchased by periodical prepayment subscription (Subscription) based on the Service description displayed on the Bulk Formations Ltd website.


When choosing the Subscription, the following cardholder data must be submitted by the cardholder: the credit card number, the expiration date and the CVV.  By providing Bulk Formations Ltd with your credit card information, you authorize Bulk Formations Ltd to charge such credit card on the payment date at the start of new Service Period.


If the Client wants to change the Subscription, prior approval from Bulk Formations Ltd is necessary and an additional Service fee may apply.


By choosing the Subscription the Client assumes an obligation to keep sufficient funds on the account for due payment for the Services.


Invoices issued by Bulk Formations Ltd shall be paid by the Client within seven (7) calendar days from date of issue.


If the Client fails to make a payment by the due date, then the default interest will be as set out in the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 on the overdue sum from the due date until payment of the overdue sum will be charged.


Upon receiving the money from the Client Bulk Formations Ltd shall first settle the default interest, then additional applicable fees and then the fee for the Services.


  1. Copyright and trademarks (Intellectual Property)


The copyright in all materials on the Website, including their design, layout, text, graphics, photographs and the source code and software belong to their respective owners. Trademarks (whether registered or not) company names and the like are the property of their respective owners.


You are licensed to view and temporarily store Website pages and their content in your browser’s temporary cache, and also to print out for reference a single copy for non-commercial purposes and off-line review. You may not sell or re-sell anything available from the Website, save to the extent expressly permitted pursuant to any product or service purchased by you from the Web Site where such permission is either expressly given or is a necessary attribute of the product or service concerned.


  1. Force Majeure –supply of goods or services ordered through the Website.


In connection with the supply of any goods or services ordered by you through the Website, we shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of our obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside our reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, strikes, lock outs, accidents, war, fire or failure of any communications, telecommunications or computer system, and we shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of our obligations to you (to the extent we owe any such obligations) should a force Majeure event occur.


If a Force Majeure event to which this clause applies shall occur, we agree to notify you as soon as practicable. If the Force Majeure event continues for more than 14 days, either party shall have the right to cancel the agreement and where services have been paid for in advance but have not been rendered, you will be entitled to a refund from the date of cancellation for all such services.


  1. The Client’s rights and obligations


The Client has right to use ordered Services according to the Service description displayed on Bulk Formations Ltd website.


The Client must pay the Service fee based on the prices published on the Bulk Formations Ltd website, or separately agreed with Bulk Formations Ltd


Upon using the Services, the Client undertakes to:


  • conduct its business in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and good moral and practice;


  • co-operate with us in all matters relating to the Services;


  • provide us with such information and documents we may reasonably require in order to supply the Services, and ensure that such information is complete and accurate;


  • refrain from disrupting or damaging Bulk Formations Ltd websites, software, intellectual property, or Services;


The Client may not assign this Contract or resell Services to third parties, unless otherwise agreed with Bulk Formations Ltd


The Client is obliged to provide to Bulk Formations Ltd the main email address (the Primary Email) and must inform immediately if the email address is changed. The Client consents that Bulk Formations Ltd will send all notifications related to this Contract to the Primary Email and all notifications are deemed delivered to the Client after five (5) calendar days from sending.


Due to the requirements established by AML legislation, the Client must fully comply with Bulk Formations Ltd KYC requirements. Bulk Formations Ltd KYC process requires each Client to provide immediately after ordering Services all requested information and a copy of valid personal identification document. Bulk Formations Ltd will confirm your compliance with KYC requirements or asks you more questions for clarification. KYC requirements must be fulfilled by the Client annually. Bulk Formations Ltd assumes the correctness of provided information. Services will not be supplied until your compliance with our KYC policy has been confirmed.


  1. Bulk Formations Ltd.’s rights and obligations


Bulk Formations Ltd undertakes to provide Services in accordance with the Service description and in compliance with the legislation concerning Services. Upon providing Services Bulk Formations Ltd shall rely on the standards and good practice applicable in respect of Services.


Bulk Formations Ltd reserves the right not to provide Services to Clients who do not comply with our AML risk assessment policy or on other grounds at our discretion.


Bulk Formations Ltd reserves the right to use sub-contractors for providing Services to the Client.


Bulk Formations Ltd may temporarily suspend providing Services without prior notification and without any liability to the Client, if:


  • the Client has a debt to Bulk Formations Ltd, or


  • the Client fails to submit any information or documents to Bulk Formations Ltd that are required for performing this Contract, or


  • provision of Services is suspended due to reasons independent of Bulk Formations Ltd.


  • are provided during office hours (Mo.-Fr. 09.00-17.00), except on national holidays and shortened working days.


Bulk Formations Ltd reserves the right to amend these T’s & C’s unilaterally. The current T’s & C’s are published on the Bulk Formations Ltd website. The Client is notified of the amendments via email at least one (1) calendar month in advance, except where the amended terms are more favourable to the Client. The Client may refuse to accept the amendments and cancel the Contract by giving cancellation notice to Bulk Formations Ltd by email during this one (1) calendar month advance notice period. If the Client has not submitted cancellation notice it time, the Client is deemed to have accepted new T’s & C’s.


  1. Validity and Termination of the Contract


The Contract is concluded without a term or due to the nature of the Service is valid until the performance of the Service.


Bulk Formations Ltd and the Client may terminate the Contract unilaterally by notifying of it via email at least two (2) calendar months in advance. Subscription based Services contracted for the minimum term of twelve (12) months may be terminated under this article only after the twelve (12) months subscription period.


Bulk Formations Ltd reserves the right to terminate the Contract any time without a refund and without liability to the Client by sending termination notice to the Primary email in the following cases:


Bulk Formations Ltd has not been able to provide Services in accordance with the Service description within 3 (three) months from entering into the Contract due to the circumstances dependent on the Client;


  • the Client has provided incomplete or incorrect information, or failed to provide information or documents requested by Bulk Formations Ltd for performance of this Contract;


  • the Client fails to provide information and documents requested by Bulk Formations Ltd for completing the KYC procedure within two (2) months from entering into Contract or does not review and update the KYC in accordance with this Contract;


  • the status of the beneficial owner and/or the management board member of the company does not comply with Bulk Formations Ltd AML risk assessment policy;


  • activities of the Client would make Bulk Formations Ltd unable to comply with the legal regulations with respect to providing the Services;


  • if for the purpose of providing Services the Client has been given instructions by Bulk Formations Ltd and the Client fails to act in accordance with the instructions;


  • the Client does not pay the invoice within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the payment term at the latest;


  • the Client assigns the Service or passes on the benefits received in the course of it to a third party;


Bulk Formations Ltd has a reason to believe that the activity of the Client may damage or has damaged reputation and/or goodwill of Bulk Formations Ltd.


If the Client has unpaid invoice for any Bulk Formations Ltd Service, Bulk Formations Ltd reserves the right to cancel all Services and terminate Contract regarding all Services with the Client.


Upon the termination of the Contract the amounts paid to Bulk Formations Ltd are not to be returned or set off with the Client.


Subscription cancelled by the Client by violation of this Contract is subject to cancellation fee equal to Service fee payable until the end of the subscription period.


Upon termination of the Contract, the User Account will be inactivated.


If the Client is a consumer, then the 14-day right of withdrawal does not apply to the Services, because the Services provided by Bulk Formations Ltd have individual characteristics and depend on the Client’s needs and wishes.


  1. Processing personal data


Bulk Formations Ltd group processes personal data collected from the Client in compliance with applicable data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (UK) and the Data Protection Act 2018


Bulk Formations Ltd group companies may process personal data collected from the Client in the capacity of Data Controller and Data Processor.


Purpose of processing personal data is providing Services, improving Services, providing Client support, and keeping Clients informed about Bulk Formations Ltd Services and news.


Details of how Bulk Formations Ltd processes personal data are set out in our Privacy Notice. Please review our privacy policy before purchasing Services.


Details of data processing by Bulk Formations Ltd in the capacity of Data Processor are set out in our Data Processing Agreement (DPA). Please review our DPA before purchasing Services.


Any questions about processing personal data can be sent to admin@xxxxxx.co.


  1. Confidentiality


During the performance of this Contract, Bulk Formations Ltd shall maintain the confidentiality of Client’s production and business secrets. Duty to maintain the confidentiality arises from law.


Bulk Formations Ltd is not required to maintain confidentiality if the Client has granted the permission to disclose information. Permission is not required for disclosing the information to third parties involved by Bulk Formations Ltd for providing Services under this Contract or if the duty to disclose arises from law (such as notaries, translators, authorities).


Bulk Formations Ltd and the Client undertake not to disclose to third parties any information which is received from the other party under this Contract or which should be treated as confidential in nature (Confidential Information).  Confidential Information may only be used for performing duties under this Contract.


Information is not Confidential Information if it:


  • is or becomes generally available to the public or enters the public domain other than due to a breach of this Contract;


  • was lawfully and independently received from a third party without any obligation of confidence at the time of receipt; or


  • is required to be disclosed by applicable law or a court of competent jurisdiction.


Bulk Formations Ltd may disclose confidential information to third parties without permission of the Client if the disclosure is necessary for providing the Service ordered by the Client, provided that the third party who will have access to such information will be bound by confidentiality by the contract or law.


Disclosure of the Confidential Information to an unauthorized third party shall be immediately notified by e-mail.


  1. Limitation of Liability


Bulk Formations Ltd is liable only for performing obligations arising from this Contract. Bulk Formations Ltd will not be responsible for performing obligations of the Client arising from laws and regulations applicable to the activities of the Client.


Prior to completion of a company sale to a Client, Bulk Formations Ltd shall use the name(s) of the Person of Significant Control and shareholder(s) and change the same at Companies House before the purchase is completed. Bulk Formations Ltd will not be liable for delays caused by the Client not providing such information promptly.


Bulk Formations Ltd will not be liable to the Client for any loss, damage, charges or cost and expenses arising from temporary suspending the Services in accordance with this Contract.


Bulk Formations Ltd will not be liable to the Client for any loss, damage or cost arising from providing Services on the bases of incomplete or inaccurate information provided by the Client.


Bulk Formations Ltd will not be liable to the Client if failure to perform obligations under this Contract is caused by circumstances dependent on the Client.


Bulk Formations Ltd will not be liable to the Client for any loss, damage, charges, or costs arising from termination of the Contract in accordance with Clause xxxxx of the Contract.


Bulk Formations Ltd is not liable for indirect damage (incl. loss of profit) caused to the Client due to breach of the Contract. Bulk Formations Ltd shall not compensate damage due to gross negligence in case the liability insurance does not cover such damage to Bulk Formations Ltd.


the limitation period for submission of claims against Bulk Formations Ltd under this Contract shall be six calendar months from performance of the act or occurrence of the event which caused the damage to the Client.


Bulk Formations Ltd ’s total liability under this Contract is limited to the amount of Service fee paid by the Client, unless otherwise provided in special terms of service.


If the Client’s activity results in damage, costs, or expenses to Bulk Formations Ltd (for example expenses on legal assistance) or liability before third parties in relation to a breach of the Contract by the Client, the Client is obligated to compensate Bulk Formations Ltd for all expenses and losses borne in relation to it.


If the Client has overdue obligations before Bulk Formations Ltd then Bulk Formations Ltd may exercise a statutory lien over the Client’s property in its possession. If the Client wants to remove the property belonging to the Client that is in Bulk Formations Ltd ’s premises, Bulk Formations Ltd may retain the items in the extent that is necessary for ensuring the fulfilment of its claims. Bulk Formations Ltd exercises a statutory lien until the fulfilment of the claim by the Client or provision another security.


Bulk Formations Ltd is not liable in case a force majeure and other faults and disturbances not caused or affected by Bulk Formations Ltd prevent the Client from using the User Account or its services.


Bulk Formations Ltd is not liable for delays, disruptions, or failures in the use of the User Account due to maintenance and development works or due to the disruptions in third party systems that affect the use of the User Account.


Bulk Formations Ltd is not liable for unauthorized use of the User Account.


Once a ready-made company has been transferred away from Bulk Formations the Client is responsible for all filing obligations with immediate effect. Bulk Formations Ltd will on transfer complete the Person of Significant Control Certificate.


  1. Virtual office service special terms of service


Virtual office service includes legal address, contact person and directors address service in accordance with the Service description provided in Bulk Formations Ltd website, or in the offer made to the Client. The use of virtual office service for purposes not included in the Service description is not allowed.


The Client is entitled to use the Service and register the legal address, contact person or the directors service address in the business register after making payment of the Service fee and completing the KYC process.


Where the Client registers the legal address, contact person or the directors service address before completing KYC process, Bulk Formations Ltd shall not accept the mail and documents delivered to the Client. In such situation, Bulk Formations Ltd shall not be liable for any loss or damages occurred to the Client due to not receiving the mail.


Virtual office service is an annual service (Service Period) and the Service Period starts from making the payment for the Service.


Bulk Formations Ltd will accept mail and documents on behalf of the Client and upload the files in the User Account. The Client shall download copies of mail and documents for saving. Bulk Formations Ltd is not obligated to keep copies of the mail and documents uploaded for the Client in the User Account.


Virtual office service includes 90 days physical storage of mail and documents of the Client. Uncollected mail will be destroyed. Bulk Formations Ltd will not be liable to the Client for any loss, damage, charges or cost and expenses arising from destruction of the mail in accordance with this Contract.


Any claim from the Client in relation to the mail delivery and postal secrecy must be addressed directly to the national postal service provider or an engaged courier service provider.


The Client undertakes to notify Bulk Formations Ltd within seven (7) working days from concluding the Contract via e-mail the names and contact details of the persons who are authorized to pick up the Client’s post and promptly notify of the change of such person.


Bulk Formations Ltd reserves the right to change the address provided to the Client in the course of virtual office service. Should such a change of address occur, the Client will be notified by Primary email up to two (2) months in advance.


Upon the termination of the Contract the Client loses the right to use the legal address, contact person and directors service address provided by Bulk Formations Ltd from the date of the termination in any way or form.


The Client undertakes to change the legal address and/or contact person in the business register and notify its business partners of the change of the address on the last day of the Contract. If the Client has not changed its legal address and/or contact person in the business register within one (1) month from the end of the Contract, Bulk Formations Ltd shall submit an application to the business register for deleting legal address, contact person or the directors service address from the business register and may claim a contractual penalty from the Client in the sum equal to one (1) year Service fee. Payment of contractual penalty does not release the Client from obligation to change the legal address, contact person or directors service address in the business register.


Bulk Formations Ltd ’s total liability in connection to the virtual office service is limited to the amount, which equals to one (1) year Service fee paid by the Client.


  1. General


If any provision of these General terms and Conditions is held to be unlawful, invalid, or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severed and the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.


In the event of there being any conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and the Specific Terms and Conditions that apply specifically to the purchase of certain goods or services through the Website, the Specific terms and Conditions shall prevail.


No person who is not a direct a party to any agreement covered by these General Terms and conditions shall have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of the Agreement.


Where you are a consumer, you have the right to cancel and contract for the provision of goods or services, by notice in writing, at any time before seven working days have passed from the day after the contract was made. If, however, we have started to perform our side of the contract before you exercise your right to cancel, then the right to cancel is lost.


Bulk Formations Ltd is eligible for referral fees from certain partners where lead information generates new business for those partners.


  1. Notices


This clause applies where these General Terms and Conditions or the Specific Terms and Conditions provide expressly or by implication for the service of notices.


Any notice required to be given under our Agreement with you or in connection with the matters contemplated by it shall, except where otherwise specifically provided, be in writing in the English language.


Any such notice shall be addressed to the usual business address of the other party and may be:


  • personally delivered, in which case it shall be deemed to have been given upon delivery at the relevant address if it is delivered not later than 17.00 hours on a Business Day, or, if it is delivered later than 17.00 hours on a Business Day or at any time on a day which is not a Business Day, at 08.00 hours on the next Business Day; or


  • if within the United Kingdom, sent by first class pre-paid post, in which case it shall be deemed to have been given two Business Days after the date of posting; or


  • if from or to any place outside the United Kingdom, sent by pre-paid airmail, or by air courier in which case it shall be deemed to have been given seven Business Days after the date of posting in the case of airmail or two Business Days after delivery to the courier, in the case of air courier;


  • sent by facsimile, in which case it shall be deemed to have been given when despatched, subject to confirmation of uninterrupted transmission by a transmission report provided that any notice despatched by facsimile after 17.00 hours on any Business Day or at any time on a day which is not a Business Day shall be deemed to have been given at 08.00 on the next Business Day; or


  • sent by electronic mail, in which case, it shall be deemed to be given when received but subject to the same provisions regarding receipt after 17.00 hours as apply to notices sent by Facsimile.
  1. Governing law and Jurisdiction


Your use of the Website and the purchase of any products or services from it are governed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.


The English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute or difference whatsoever arising out of or in connection with your use of the web site or the purchase of any products or services from it.